23 mars 2022 • 15:00-17:30


Webinar: Gamechangers for people-centred justice

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Webinar: Gamechangers for people-centred justice

Gamechangers for people-centred justice: Critical success factors for  justice innovation

In 15 years of advancing user-friendly justice, HiiL has identified categories of game-changing services that reimagine the way justice is delivered. These justice Gamechangers prioritise people’s needs and experiences and provide justice that is affordable, accessible, and easy to understand.

However, what factors and characteristics contribute to justice innovation? How can existing justice services improve their models to increase access to justice? And how can the private and public sectors support innovations that make people-centred justice possible?

HiiL sought to answer these questions in expert-led working groups in mid-2021. Legal professionals, innovators, and academics gathered to share their knowledge, examine case studies, and identify the critical success factors of Gamechangers. The working groups focused on three of the seven game-changing categories: Community Justice Services, User-Friendly Contracts and One Stop Shop Dispute Resolution. 

On Wednesday, 23 March, we will present the insights and recommendations from the working group sessions during a live webinar event. With this, we hope to expand knowledge exchange networks and strengthen people-centred justice initiatives committed to realising SDG16.3 – equal access to justice for all.

“Scaling Gamechangers requires a detailed set of tools, practices, case studies, network of people as well as know-how that can be documented and disseminated across relevant stakeholders.”

-Kanan Dhru, Justice Innovation Advisor at HiiL







Opening Remarks Sam Muller



Community Justice Services  

Kanan Dhru

Manasi Nikam

Marcus Manuel

Juan Botero




User-friendly Contracts


Kanan Dhru

Manasi Nikam

Ozgur Kahale

Robert de Rooy




One-Stop-Shop Dispute Resolution   

Kanan Dhru

Manasi Nikam

Tariq Musthafa

Laura Kistemaker




The Final Word  Maurits Barendrecht


Session composition:

  • Introduction and defining scope 
  • Presenting Critical Success Factors 
  • Discussion between the two WG members 
  • Q&A 
  • Concluding remarks 


Sam Muller


Kanan Dhru

Justice Innovation Advisor, HiiL

Manasi Nikam

Knowledge Management Officer, HiiL

Maurits Barendrecht

Director of Research & Development, HiiL

Marcus Manuel

Senior Researcher, Overseas Development Institute

Juan Botero

Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

Ozgur Kahale

Director, Pro Bono Practice, DLA Piper

Robert de Rooy

Founder, Creative Contracts

Tariq Musthafa

Investments Associate, Omidyar Network India

Laura Kistemaker

Co-founder and COO, Justice42