23 février 2023 • 15:00-16:30


Impact Investing in Justice Startups

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Impact Investing in Justice Startups

A session on the Innovating Justice Fund

February 23, 2023 | Webinar

This event will take place on Thursday, February 23rd from 15:00-16:30 CET

2030 is around the corner and it is clear that a significant funding gap towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals remains. And while the Impact Investing sector is growing rapidly, allocating more and more capital towards impact, support for some sectors lags behind. SDG 16, and more specifically SDG 16.3 (access to justice) see a significant funding gap. Now more than ever we need to drastically improve the allocation of capital in order to make justice available for all.

On 23 February 2023, HiiL will convene justice sector leaders and investors to explore the opportunities for impact investing in the justice field. Participants will engage in an active conversation with peers to discuss and share best practices and see how we could help each other close the justice gap.

The session will address what is needed to close the justice gap, and how impact investors can play a crucial role in that process. We will share the learnings from HiiL’s experience working with more than 150 startups through the Justice Accelerator. Today, many of these game-changing startups are now ready to scale. In fact, their innovative solutions for increasing access to justice have led to the creation of the Innovating Justice Fund.


  • Aniket Doegar
    CEO of Haqdarshak
  • Jayanth Kashyap
    Investment Advisor at FOUNT, a leading impact fund manager and manager of the Innovating Justice Fund
  • Eric Mwangi Kariuki
    Head of HiiL’s Justice Accelerator Hub in Kenya
  • Björn Vennema, Session Moderator
    Co-Founder & Managing Director, Social Finance NL

HiiL is committed to people-centred justice and has for nearly two decades created programmes that deliver justice which is affordable, accessible and easy to understand. We look forward to welcoming you on the 23 February.