In his report “Our Common Agenda,” the United Nations secretary-general refers to an “ever deeper crisis of trust” and a “frayed social contract.” The 12,000 leaders that the World Economic Forum surveyed for “The Global Risks Report 2022” saw the rising risks of “social cohesion erosion” and “livelihood crises.” Writing about the “2022 Edelman Trust Barometer” report, Edelman’s CEO says that distrust “is now society’s default emotion” and that societal fears are becoming more acute.
In their recently updated “Global Economic Prospects” and “World Economic Outlook” reports, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund highlight the risk of social disruption, based on worrying economic scenarios for emerging economies and the developing world. Oxfam International concludes that the low- and middle-income country groups are bearing the brunt of the situation the world is in.
Protests are on the rise the world over. People say that they can’t take it anymore. They don’t feel heard. They don’t feel seen.
Authors: Sam Muller and Maaike de Langen