03 juin 2022 • 11:00-12:30


Webinar: Scaling Gamechangers for people-centred justice

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Webinar: Scaling Gamechangers for people-centred justice

World Justice Forum side-event by HiiL

Bridging the access to justice gap requires a multi-stakeholder approach. This includes bringing together innovative justice services developed by the public sector, private sector, including emerging technological initiatives. How can existing justice services improve their models to increase access to justice? How can the private sector and public sector support and innovate people-centred justice?

To explore factors and characteristics that contribute to scaling of justice innovation and in turn increasing access to justice,  HiiL has identified seven categories of game-changing services that reimagine the way justice is delivered. They prioritise people’s needs and experiences and provide justice that is affordable, accessible, and easy to understand.

‘Gamechangers are justice service delivery models that are sustainable, scalable and can bring solutions to people to address their most pressing justice needs.’

Services to bridge the justice gap

While each category requires a detailed set of tools, practices, and case studies, there are similarities in their opportunities and barriers. Gamechangers need a network of people and know-how to become sustainable and scalable. 

To harness the operational understanding and measured impact of Gamechangers, this side event will bring together international experts from across sectors and geographies. It will specifically build upon the critical success factors developed by HiiL in its recent set of Policy-Briefs  (on Community Justice Services, One Stop Shop Dispute Resolution and User-friendly Contracts) and further the ongoing conversation on strengthening the enablers for making people-centred justice happen.

In this webinar, we will:

  • Build on the existing discourse of scaling gamechangers as relevant service-delivery models that help address people’s justice problems at scale taking place locally 
  • Discuss/ deepen our understanding based on the situation in different countries of how gamechangers develop and scale – what are the impediments and enablers? 
  • Connect the policymakers and innovators and highlight their work as the pioneers of people-centred justice.

Join us to further the ongoing conversation on strengthening the enablers for making people-centred justice happen.

The webinar is free and open to all. Access the webinar directly through the link above or get reminded by adding the event to your calendar.

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Kanan Dhru (Moderator)

Justice Innovation Advisor, HiiL

Mark Beer

co-Founder, Seven Pillars Law, UK

Folshou Obienu

Director of Citizens Rights, Ogun State

Nathalie Dijkman

Director of the Law Hub at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and co-founder, SEMA, Uganda

Sachin Malhan

Co-founder, Agami, India