Dr. Jelmer Brouwer

Dr. Jelmer Brouwer

Data Analysis & Reporting Officer

Jelmer Brouwer works as Data Analysis and Reporting Officer for the Justice Development and Research Team at HiiL. He holds master degrees in International Crimes and Criminology from VU University Amsterdam and in Human Rights and Democratisation from the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation. Following this, he obtained a PhD in Criminology from Leiden University, where he wrote a dissertation on the intersections between criminal justice and migration control and the experiences of people within these systems.

Before joining HiiL, Jelmer held research roles at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Europol. He currently works on various research projects related to access to justice across the world, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Contact info

+31 70 762 0700