Request for Proposal: political-economy analysis in Nigeria (re-advertised)
The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HiiL) invites relevant companies and /or individuals to submit a proposal for conducting a political economy analysis (PEA) on access to justice at the community level in Imo State, Nigeria.
HiiL is currently implementing a multi-year programme in the 6 main regions of Nigeria, focused on developing the different elements of a people-centred justice programme, in close collaboration with the Ministries of Justice, and other stakeholders.
As part of this programme, HiiL will execute a Justice Innovation Lab (“the Lab”) to develop a bankable project proposal for increasing access to justice at the community level in Imo State, Nigeria.
HiiL is looking for a researcher to support the preparatory phases of the Lab through the implementation of a political economy analysis with a view of gaining a better understanding of the drivers and barriers to access to justice at the community level in Imo State, Nigeria.
For more information about this opportunity, please refer to the Request for Proposal:
Proposals may be submitted on or before 25 October 2022 at 17:00 hrs (CET) only through email to the following email address: zainab.malik@hiil.org and with the subject line: “JIL/proposal/name of company”. Requests for clarifications can be addressed to zainab.malik@hiil.org before the 20th of October.
The maximum budget for this opportunity is up to 5000 EUR (incl taxes).
Request for quotation for guidelines in Ogun State:
Developing evidence-based practices on preventing and resolving land problems
The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HiiL) invites relevant companies and/or individuals to submit a quote for developing 15 evidence-based best practices on preventing and resolving land problems.
HiiL and local researchers together develop guidelines for practitioners in the justice sector such as lawyers, mediators and paralegals. Justice guidelines are meant to support justice practitioners in their daily work. These practitioners could be lawyers, paralegals, judges, mediators, police and other professionals who directly engage with people.
Guidelines are inspired by the medical sector and consist of clear and actionable best practices, on how to deal with justice issues. They help practitioners with communication techniques, tools for de-escalation, mediation methods and other useful ‘soft skills that are essential in dispute resolution.
Guidelines combine practice-based evidence (experiences from practitioners across Nigeria) and evidence-based practice (recommended interventions from internationally conducted studies). It is a living document. That means with new information, responses from practitioners and users should continually improve.
To effectively conduct this guideline research, HiiL invites relevant professionals to submit a quote for targeting adult respondents residing in Ogun State. HiiL will select the partnering professional on the following criteria, among others:
- Experience and proven track record in the research field.
- Sound understanding of research methodologies.
- Interest and knowledge of the Nigerian socio-political scenes and context.
- Considerable proficiency in Google Workspace Office.
- Problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills.
- Practical experience in database management.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
For more information about this opportunity, please refer to the Request for Proposal: