
We are on a mission to make justice work for everyone, everywhere. We do this by working with visionary partners and funders who share our commitment to equity and justice. Together, we are building a world where legal systems serve all people, enabling them to move forward with dignity, confidence and hope for a better tomorrow.

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Funding partners

We thank all our funding partners we are working  with and who placed their trust in us to help realise people-centred justice.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands

HiiL works in a multi year strategic partnership with the Dutch MFA and we are grateful to our trusted partnership. Under this partnership we are currently running national people-centred justice programmes in Tunisia, Niger and Nigeria. Thanks to their support we also completed Justice Needs and Satisfaction projects in more than 10 development and conflict affected states, for example in Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Mali, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Bangladesh. With this evidence-base, we laid the groundwork for the development of national justice innovation strategies in Mali and Nigeria.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

In 2019, HiiL established a partnership with UNHCR to collect and analyse data on the justice needs of refugees, IDPs, stateless people and local hosting populations. This is an important partnership in order to fill a critical gap in the knowledge base around the justice needs of forcibly displaced and stateless populations.

The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)

With support from GIZ, we were able to advance our work around a Syrian Justice Innovation Process. It brings together knowledge on the most pressing legal needs of Syrians and people who are committed to (re)building the capacity to address them. It builds an evidence-based rule of law agenda informed by Syrians’ voices.

Dutch Postcode Lottery

In 2019, we became proud partners of the Dutch Postcode Lottery (Nationale Postcode Loterij), one of the largest charity lotteries in the world. The Dutch Postcode Lottery supports our work in Southern Africa with a grant of one million euros. Thanks to our partnership, we continued to scout and support the best justice innovations in the Southern African region and accelerate them to realise access to justice for millions of people.

Mott Foundation

The MoTT Foundation provided HiiL with a general purpose grant to support our activities in Ukraine. These funds were split between HiiL’s Justice Accelerator – to support an Innovation Hub in Ukraine – and Justice Research & Development to conduct a study on justice needs of small – medium enterprises in Ukraine.

Center on International Cooperation, New York University (NYU CIC)

HiiL’s CEO co-authored a series of briefings, Justice in a Pandemic, on the impact of Covid-19 on justice systems worldwide and how important justice systems are for a proper response. This initiative was led by the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Justice and Inclusive Societies, a group of 38 member states, international organisations and other partners committed to accelerating the delivery of SDG16. The Pathfinders is hosted by the CIC at NYU.

Municipality of The Hague

Together with the City of the Hague, we developed a city Justice Justice Needs and Satisfaction survey to map the justice problems of citizens in The Hague. We held focus groups with people with a low income, status holders and women within these groups - to understand the problems of more vulnerable groups in the city and collected quantitative data on people’s most pressing justice problems. Parallel to these efforts we started a stakeholder analysis of other organisations in The Hague that are developing solutions for access to justice.

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

In partnership with the Swedish Embassy in Uganda, HiiL executed a three-year programme to support the design and implementation of innovative solutions for justice problems. The Uganda Justice Innovation Programme aims at ensuring that more people in Uganda, in particular the most vulnerable, are empowered to resolve their most pressing justice problems more fairly and effectively.

European Union (EU)

With financial support from the EU, HiiL in collaboration with Reos partners assisted Syrians in developing justice innovations that help Syrians deal with a selected number of their most urgent legal problems. Innovation Labs were launched around two prioritised objectives: “Syrians have safe and effective access to personal documents”, as well as, “reducing violence and discrimination against women”.

World Bank

In partnership with the World Bank, HiiL finished a study on the relationship between poverty, inequality and justice needs. For this research project, HiiL Survey data from 14 countries were used. The data has been gathered in 2013-2019 through the application of the Justice Needs and Satisfaction survey.

Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS)

HiiL has completed data collection and is in the final stage of analysis for a Justice Needs and Satisfaction survey in the United States. The objective of the partnership is to develop an understanding of the overall trends in the United States, and identify in detail the legal needs of American citizens. This will provide a basis for a more empirically based approach to reform of the country’s legal system.

Nuremberg Academy

Following successful completion of a feasibility study on monitoring the quality of international criminal justice as delivered by Hague courts and similar mechanisms, HiiL and the Nuremberg Academy continued its partnership on Nuremberg Benchmarks. The accumulated experience of benchmarks in other fields, such as public health and climate change, has shown that the mere existence of data and benchmarks often has a powerful transformative effect in a field. Many monitoring systems now exist in the field of justice, using a broad range of data-collection methods. The Nuremberg Benchmarks could become a system of indicators designed to measure the effectiveness of the response by multiple actors in addressing international crimes. In 2020, we started to test the operational feasibility of such a system.

Dutch Embassy Rwanda

The most prevalent justice problems currently facing people of Rwanda are around employment, land and housing. In partnership with the Dutch Embassy in Rwanda, HiiL is implementing its Justice Accelerator programme. The Accelerator focusses on startups that have a sustainable business model and impact strategy that can scale across a country or internationally to prevent or resolve justice issues. Through this programme HiiL is supporting justice entrepreneurs that could help to prevent or resolve the justice problems identified as most prevalent by our research and from the collaboration with the Legal Aid Forum Rwanda.

Dutch Embassy Niger

In partnership with the Dutch Embassy in Niger, HiiL is executing a five-year programme, starting in 2022. This programme includes all elements of HiiL’s people-centred justice programming approach: data collection; evidence based practices; building the enabling environment through leadership dialogues; developing innovative justice solutions; and scaling gamechangers. The programme aims at ensuring that Nigeriens are empowered to resolve their most pressing justice problems more fairly and effectively.

Ministry of Justice and Security, the Netherlands

With support from the Ministry of Justice and Security the Netherlands, HiiL, with the Municipality of the Hague and a number of other partners worked on defining the framework of a programme focused on Research and Development and innovation in the Dutch justice sector.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Tunisia

HiiL works closely with UNDP Tunisia, implementing a Justice Innovation Lab. The lab focuses on improving access to Public Services which has been identified as a top priority for municipalities in the governorate of Medenine. Access to Public Services is also one of the most prevalent justice issue Tunisians are facing on the local and regional level. Through our Justice Innovation Lab we are developing concrete practical solutions to address this justice need.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) South Sudan

In 2020, HiiL closed a partnership with UNDP South Sudan to carry out a Justice Capacity Needs and Gaps Assessment in 10 states in South Sudan. Through our Justice Needs and Satisfaction (JNS) tool, we collected evidence using a mixed methods approach: desk research, qualitative interviews with justice leaders, qualitative focus groups with justice providers and users across the country, and a nationwide quantitative JNS survey. The results will feed into a first round of high level justice leadership dialogues.

Strategic partners

An international partnership on people-centred justice is growing. HiiL works in partnership with a number of organisations to realise people-centred justice and help reach SDG16.3 – equal access to justice for all.

Local partners

Our local partners are key to achieving people-centred justice in all the countries we work in. They include civil society organisations, ministries of justice, governments, municipalities and national statistical institutes.


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