Justice Needs and Satisfaction in Nigeria
Justice is not only about the number of reported crimes or the number of court cases and laws. Justice is about common people: their daily lives, their pain and frustration, and the justice outcomes they gain or fail to receive.
Since 2018, HiiL has been gathering data in Nigeria, mapping the most prevalent justice problems around the country and people’s needs and satisfaction with solutions to their justice issues. In 2024, we conducted follow-up interviews with the respondents from our 2023 report: what legal problems did they experience in 2023? What have they done to resolve them? Did they manage to find satisfactory resolutions?
These JNS 2023 and 2024 reports are an innovative initiative that follows the same group of individuals over three years to monitor the evolution of their legal problems, offering unique insights into Nigeria's justice landscape. Our comprehensive research can be used as to shape policies on justice delivery mechanisms, budgeting, reform plans and more.
Justice Needs and Satisfaction in Nigeria in 2024
In 2024, we conducted follow-up interviews with the respondents from our Justice Needs and Satisfaction 2023 report. What happened after those survey interviews? Did people manage to resolve the legal problems they were dealing with at the time? Were they able to move on with their lives after they managed to resolve their most serious problems? Did they encounter new legal problems?
Interviews with 4,912 people across Nigeria revealed that legal problems are a common experience for Nigerians and that the majority of these problems are dealt with outside the formal justice system.
Highlights from the 2024 study:
- The demand for access to justice in Nigeria is high.
- The most serious problems are land disputes, neighbour disputes, and domestic violence.
- Over half of the people who did not report a legal problem in the first survey experienced a legal problem in the following year.
- People who reported one or more legal problems during the first interview are slightly more likely to report one or more new legal problems during the second interview (58% versus 54%).
- Out of all problems reported during wave one of the study, approximately 55% were either partially or completely resolved.
- Roughly two out of three (68%) ongoing problems from the original justice gap found a solution with time.
- Ongoing problems that were still in the process of being resolved are some of the most serious problems people are dealing with, having negative effects on various aspects of their lives.
- Durable, people-centred solutions are needed to close the justice gap.
Justice Needs and Satisfaction in Nigeria in 2023
The Justice Needs and Satisfaction (JNS) 2023 study presents the justice experiences of 6,573 randomly selected Nigerian adults. The data and findings outline the legal problems they encounter, their impact, and the steps people take to address their legal needs.
“The 2023 JNS Report report is an essential tool for understanding the needs of people in Nigeria, identifying areas that require improvement, and monitoring the progress of various justice initiatives currently underway.“
Highlights from the 2023 study:
- Approximately 81% of Nigerians experienced at least one legal problem in the past year, with many facing multiple problems.
- 55% of all legal problems were resolved either partially or completely, with about 82% of those resolutions deemed fair or very fair.
- The most common legal problem categories experienced by Nigerians include disputes with neighbours, domestic violence, land disputes, crime, and housing problems.
- Approximately 86% of Nigerians with a legal problem take some form of action to address their most serious problem.
- When addressing their most pressing legal problems, people often rely on their inner circle, frequently seeking help from family and friends.
- Beyond one’s social network, the most frequent sources of help include the police (11%), community/traditional leaders (8%), religious authorities (6%), landlords (6%), local public authorities (5%), and lawyers (5%).
TheseJNS studies provide a people-centred perspective on justice in Nigeria. This study was financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of The Netherlands and conducted with assistance from Communication & Marketing Research Group (CMRG) Limited.
For an interactive perspective of the data, visit HiiL’s Justice Dashboard