Abdel Ouedraogo

Abdel Ouedraogo

Project Officer Burkina Faso

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Abdel Ouedraogo works as a Project Officer (Burkina Faso) for the Justice Research and Development and Justice Transformation Teams at HiiL.

Abdel has a Masters degree in both Political Science and Public Administration from Suffolk University Boston. After completing his Masters, he returned to his country to stay close to his family. Before joining HiiL, Abdel worked on various projects in the U.S. and in his home country of Burkina Faso; ranging from Landgrabbing issues, social justice movements in West Africa, Water and Sanitation Hygiene, Countering Violence Extremism, Mining and Political campaigning. He assisted with the granting of 03 exploitation permits to a mining company, helped a woman’s association get a grant to fund a project against land-grabbing, and also helped communities with social infrastructures contributing to their wellbeing.

Abdel loves to be with family, play video games and listen to music.

Contact info

+31 70 762 0700