Eliska Ellison Filova

Eliska Ellison Filova

MEL Officer

How do we know whether we are reaching our goal? Simple question yet hard work for MEL to answer that.

Eliska Ellison Filova is HiiL’s Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Officer. In her role, under the supervision of Amy Sinclair, she works closely with the programmes on outcome monitoring and results analysis.

After graduation from King’s College London in War Studies, she landed a job as a modelling and simulation analyst in NATO Allied Command Transformation. After three years sitting in her cubicle, she was keen to get a hands-on experience and started as a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Manager in an international NGO in Afghanistan, where she established and led a MEAL department overseeing all mission MEAL activities.

Afghanistan is also her big interest outside of work and learning Pashto. She is an avid black tea drinker and reader. You will often hear her talking about her pug Evi who is, of course, the cutest pug of them all.

Contact info

+31 70 762 0700