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Acceleration Programme

…(Tunisia) is a legal education platform for early stage entrepreneurs. Legal Ascend is an online guidance tool to help executors administer deceased estates affordably. Kleva Contracts (South Africa) democratises access to legal services by providing online contract creation, access to…

Acceleration programme

…education platform for early stage entrepreneurs. Legal Ascend is an online guidance tool to help executors administer deceased estates affordably. Kleva Contracts (South Africa) democratises access to legal services by providing online contract creation, access to legal services and educational…

Innovateurs en matière de justice

…Justice Accelerator, please email the Accelerator Programme Manager, Iran Huffels at Foire aux questions Puis-je participer au programme si j’ai manqué la date limite d’inscription ? Nous organisons un cycle par an. Si vous avez manqué la date limite,…


…are disabled. Deleting cookies Most cookies have an expiry date. When an expiry date is set, the cookie is automatically deleted once that date passes. You can also choose to delete the cookies manually before the expiry date. Please consult…

Innovating Justice Challenge 2018 Finalists announced

…to help integrate into society, become advocates for their interests and help pursue professional and personal goals. Online Schuldencoach: The ‘Online Debt Coach’ is an online programme for people suffering from debts. It empowers people to get their lives together, by…

These 14 Global Innovators are coming to the Forum

…(in no particular order)   Meet the successful teams in the 2019 cohort of the HiiL Justice Accelerator JusticeBot – Uganda JusticeBot is an online platform that helps the public access justice in an inexpensive and timely manner by providing free…

Save the date: the Innovating Justice Forum 2020

…a special time and space to bring together thought-leaders, innovators, leaders of the justice sector, entrepreneurs and even artists. Would you like to stay up-to-date? Subscribe here to receive updates about the Innovating Justice Forum 2020! Visit the Forum website….

Demo Day 2023: The future of justice innovation is here

…in multiple  XanaHealth (Rwanda): An online portal working with health facilities to digitise patient records, invoices and insurance claims in order to detect and prevent insurance fraud. Nyumbani Online (Kenya): An online platform that digitises rent payments and prevents disputes…


…programme: Civitas Digital A platform for digital municipal services. It aims to facilitate access to rights, optimize local administration and strengthen accountability, transparency and good governance. Visit their website Digilex Qanouni + Juridoc An online platform providing access to all…

Rechtwijzer Launches in the Netherlands

The Dutch Legal Aid Board launches an online dispute resolution platform Rechtwijzer “”Uit Elkaar” with HiiL Innovating Justice and Modria. Press Release from the Dutch Legal Aid Board: Increasing divorces In 2014, over 35,000 marriages ended in divorce – 5…

New results from HiiL’s Covid-19 Survey

…interventions facilitated online or in a criminal context. Community justice delivery models Following initial survey results indicating strong support for community justice, HiiL asked respondents to confirm which community justice models they believed could deliver the greatest impact and effectively…

New ways of presenting data: an online prototype

…we have designed a prototype online platform to test new ways of presenting Justice Needs and Satisfaction (JNS) data in transformation dialogues: visit the prototype at We used the JNS dataset from Morocco to test this design, but please…

Davos 2014 and Justice

…Award 2013). This will affect rules we have on rule making. We also see the emergence of online dispute resolution platforms. In the Netherlands, HiiL helped develop an online platform to deal with neighbour disputes. There are many more examples….

Directions to innovation: South by Southwest

…kind of online platforms are a core element of Justice 2.0. They bring together disputants in a problem-solving interface where they find technology-based support tools. And find unbundled, online support of legal professionals. With an online option of a neutral…

Justice Innovation Lessons of 2017

…the ones that our research and the experts we consulted though had the potential to deliver the most justice where that was most needed: Legal and practical information, just in time, offered online or via hybrid online-offline services Programmes of…

Demo Day

…people-centred justice and how they all can connect through tech Attend in person or join us online Join us for an inspiring event on November 29th, 2023, as we explore how technology is improving the way we experience justice. Our…

Prognosis on Access to Justice for Women globally

…against him. The file was referred to the Investigation Judge and remains pending there until the present date.” FIGHTING FOR ACCESS, FIGHTING FOR SURVIVAL Hind – Syrian refugee in Jordan Hind is a 37-year-old Syrian refugee woman, married with a…

Press Release: Making people-centred justice work

…programmes or services that ensure safety and security through technology 7.    People-centered online information/advice with follow up services Altogether, the innovations in each theme reimagine the way justice is delivered. “IJF is designed for conversations and concrete partnerships on…

Divorced From Reality

…rules that work for people in the world of today is broken. What it produces is of inferior quality: often out-dated, too complex, and it does not always solve the problem. No wonder: the fast-moving, internationalized world of today with…

Justice Accelerator Hub in Southern Africa

…legal protection insurance and mitigates legal risk by instantly delivering legal services through an online platform of freelance lawyers worldwide.   Legal Legends supports businesses with fixed-price legal advice. Because of the online platform, legal advice can be delivered much… A game changer

…Services are delivered through private practitioners on a certificated basis and a national network of legal advice ‘counters’ staffed by paralegals. This is the Board’s own description of the Rechtwijzer: There is an interactive online application called Rechtwijzer This is…

HiiL Justice Accelerator announces 2017 finalists

…This mobile application provides access to legal consultancy until you are a free person. FastPortal (the Netherlands) FastPortal provides online service & self-service. This platform automates, saves and updates clients by working together from visual files. Lexium (Lebanon) Lexium is a…

Project: Working Groups on Gamechangers

…to these documents, which is often achieved through online platforms. The members of the Working Group on User-Friendly Contracts are: Robert de Rooy, Founder at ComicContracts Sally Guyer, Global CEO at the World Commerce & Contracting Paul Neo, COO at…

Towards a Just(ice) Economy: A Short Documentary

…operating in the informal sector, which makes them vulnerable to corruption. The existing justice sector and legal framework does not provide support for these micro businesses, in fact, it is so complex and corrupt that it discourages their development. Up-to-date


…Kampala Tunisia Raja Mazeh Country Manager MENA and Syria Roger El Khoury Senior Political Advisor Justice Accelerator Deyana Abououbeid Justice Accelerator Programme Manager Want to stay up-to-date with our work? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: Subscribe here…

Malians Get Legal Help through Transparent IT Platform

…and openly shared. This is completely transparent justice. To date, the associated Judicial Clinique in Bamako has held 12300 judicial consultations, 4900 cases have been handled in courts and tribunals, and of those more than 8500 cases resolved satisfactorily. Disputes…

Innovating Tribunals & Being Open

…setting up the new mechanism is slow: more than a year has passed since the downing and no start date seems in sight. Innovation is possible, even in the justice sector. Everything we know about innovation tells us that opening…

Employment Justice Workshop Tunisia

…Pressing goals that emerged included equal access to jobs, an equilibrium between stability and flexibility of jobs in the private sector, transparent promotions in the public sector, up to date labour codes and better enforcement of protection. In a session…

2019 was a watershed year

…year. Read more about our key strategic and implementing country partners in the annual report. What is new? People’s voices make justice user-friendly To date, we listened to people’s voices in nation-wide justice studies in 27 different countries. The tool…

Justice data for all

…18 of these studies to date. The World Justice Project has also just released a massive dataset and map which digs into justice pain points around the world.  Explore national justice data ¨I recently added the Mali and Morocco data to the Justice…


…Uganda Working with innovators We have supported 15 justice innovations in Uganda till date. Apart from providing the funding support, we provide training to the startups on various areas of business development, financial management as well as mentorship support from…

Collecting justice data in Ethiopia

…into justice in Ethiopia. Growing Movement of Collecting Data on Peoples’ Justice Needs To date, we have collected citizens’ needs in 17 countries (not counting Ethiopia!). It is always a stimulating environment to work in: to meet and share experiences…

6th Annual Innovating Justice Forum

…Rapid Response Andras Vamos-Goldman, and many more! Date: Friday 4 December 2015 Time: 09:00 – 20:00 Location: Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, The Hague Admission: 90EUR // Third ticket for free // students 20EUR If you want to apply for a…


…Block D, Kampala Tunisia Raja Mazeh Country Manager MENA and Syria Roger El Khoury Senior Political Advisor Justice Accelerator Iran Huffels Programme Manager Want to stay up-to-date with our work? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: Subscribe here…

Measuring Justice in Mali: The Second Wave

…costs. Back in 2014, HiiL conducted its biggest Justice Needs and Satisfaction study to date in Mali. A total of 8,400 people were surveyed about their justice needs and a particular emphasis was put on the perceptions of the national reconciliation…

What we do

…people-centred justice. Such a ‘turning point’ is reached when a country seriously starts to lay the foundation for implementing the core elements of people-centred justice. Read our annual report Want to stay up-to-date with our work? Subscribe to our newsletter…

Syria Justice Innovation Process

…process includes combining evidence-based research with stakeholder-driven insights, ensuring solutions are both practical and impactful. To date, two innovation labs and thirteen small-scale initiatives have made meaningful contributions, including reducing violence against women and improving access to personal documentation for…

Un des pays les plus pauvres peut être le plus innovant

…magistrats (juges et procureurs), des greffiers, des administrateurs de justice et des responsables pénitentiaires. Jusqu’à une date récente, ces derniers étaient tous formés à l’École Nationale d’Administration, avec la plupart des autres fonctionnaires. La nouvelle École de Formation Judiciaire travaille…

Exploring Innovation Inside the Eurobubble

…very procedural and hierarchical, and at some stages it is out-of-date. In a legal unit, such as the one where I worked, this is probably most evident. To my delight, however, I ended up in a department of the Commission…


…Uganda Working with innovators We have supported 15 justice innovations in Uganda till date. Apart from providing the funding support, we provide training to the startups on various areas of business development, financial management as well as mentorship support from…

Understanding Justice Needs: The Elephant in the Courtroom

Globally, innovation trends are encouraging, enabling a breakthrough Online platforms are a promising way to support the supply of fair solutions at scale. Practical, local legal services do what works to build bridges and settle conflicts in communities. Judges are…

Innovating Justice Forum 2015: Shaping New Justice Innovations

…for each of the two Challenges. The SME Empowerment Innovation Challenge East & West Africa produced DIYLaw, a female-owned one-stop online portal that makes registration and legal processes in Nigeria more accessible, professional and transparent; mSMEGarage, a micro SME support center base…

Innovating Justice Challenge

…have successfully funded, trained and scaled over 120 startups globally. We are the only accelerator worldwide dedicated to justice and SDG16. Sign up to our newsletter Join the Innovating Justice Challenge 2021 The selection processes includes online interviews to be…

These 12 Global Innovators are coming to the Forum

…Here they are! (in no particular order)  Axdraft Business – Ukraine A free online platform with automated legal documents for small and medium enterprises. BTrack Global –  Kenya Has designed a functional GPS Tracking Device to monitor and recover stolen…

The Scaling Programme

…serious crime by providing information, guidance and security hardware Online dispute resolution platforms Building & tenancy management platforms Meet our Scaleups iVerify Nigeria Founded by a woman entrepreneur, provides verification services, and in doing so, prevents fraud. Examples of verification…

Policy Brief: User Friendly Contracts

…these contracts, there is a need to market the idea and its underlying vision. Online support for contracting is already taking off. Regulatory bodies need to validate the legal enforceability of visual contracts which can increase the confidence of individuals,…

Dispute System Innovation at Stormont

…hosted by the Committee for Justice of the Northern Ireland Parliamentary Assembly. An innovation workshop taking place in this rather conservative justice corner of politics? Yes it happened. The committee wanted to hear more about the Rechtwijzer solution for online

Women as IT Champions

…the pandemic forced companies to digitise and accommodate working-from-home environments, six women at HiiL challenged the “tech guy” stereotypes and led a digital revolution at the organisation. Together, they spearheaded an innovative and seamless transition to a suite of online

Fast lane for justice innovation in Uganda!

…example. JusticeBot provides real-time online legal procedure information on land problems to Ugandan people through common chatting platforms like Facebook, Messenger or even WhatsApp. Rather than just sharing updates with connections, Justice Bot responds to queries and stories to recommend…

Building the future of people-centred justice

…Discussions made it clear that justice systems must adopt the research and development (R&D) and innovation methods of other sectors.  Moving current legal procedures online or adding more lawyers and courts will not be enough to address this gap in…

Rechtwijzer featured in de Volkskrant

Rechtwijzer was featured in an article in de Volkskrant on 27 February 2016. Read full article (in Dutch) here. Doe-het-zelfscheiden op internet: Swipe rechts om te scheiden ARTIKEL Als je online kunt daten, waarom dan niet online scheiden. Het kan…

First real contact with Rechtwijzer 2.0

…version of the online platform is called – allows citizens to draft their divorce plan while staying in control of the process, outcome and costs. Throughout the development, we have tested Rechtwijzer within a series of focus groups. The drawback…

The Chief Innovation Officer of a Ministry of Justice

…employees, supported online? Smart do-it-yourself platforms that help SMEs inexpensively organise the legal infrastructure they require? A block-chain based virtual reality system to execute a will at home? Smart protocols containing best practices for dealing with family, land, and neighbour…

Covid-19 Survey: Delivering Justice In The Covid-19 Crisis

…than 20 countries engaged in this dialogue via an online questionnaire. The respondents have significant experience. Analyses by our Justice Research and Development Team help determine which groups will be hit hardest, and which measures match the demand for justice…

Innovating Justice Challenge

…Justice Forum. During this online edition, broadcasted to 1,000 participants, the start up “Lawyerd!” was chosen as the winner by judges Jackie Nagtegaal (Law for All), Duncan Onyango (KIFFWA) and Linda Bonyo (Lawyers Hub Kenya). Watch the recap of the…

Configuring justice

…work on Online Dispute Resolution. Rechtwijzer is built on the same software that powers the online dispute resolution for eBay and PayPal. It robustly processes over 60 million disputes per year and runs in the cloud. An important feature is…

A Brief Guide to Qualitative Research

…Typically 1 on 1 formats. Focus groups: A group of people who discuss the issue and share their own experiences. Qualitative surveys: For example online surveys consisting of open-ended questions that emphasize short responses and encourage participants to complete the…

Prof.Dr. Maurits Barendrecht

…leads teams developing breakthrough innovations such as a code of conduct for the personal injury sector and evidence based guidelines for delivering family justice. Other examples are the – widely acclaimed – online supported justice journey for divorce (Rechtwijzer) and…

Legal Futures of Singapore

Online Dispute Resolution Working group of the UK Civil Justice Council. Pictures can say more than a thousand words, so I reproduce two pictures from that report below: His key message, in short: we can, and we should, focus more…

Citizens Justice Emerging

…opinion can then do the rest. Sometimes, terrible things can produce useful by-products. Disclosure: the organisation I lead, HiiL Innovating Justice, was closely involved in developing the Wildlife Justice Commission. This blog first appeared on, Canada’s online legal magazine….

Valuing Justice, Not Only in the Abstract

…an outcomes-based approach to financing. This means designing justice budgets around the value that justice interventions deliver in people’s lives, not the line items of existing institutions. It also means making room for community-based and online justice services that are…

Towards utu-centred justice

…In this way, the Judiciary meticulously accounted for its work over the past year and presented an ambitious 10-year plan. Smart move. And equally important, it was presented in full force on stage, on TV, online, and broadcast on the…

We Need a Wave of Justice Innovation in 2017

…into 2017. Two results we are already very proud of in this regard. Firstly, the Trend Report we published on online dispute resolution and the courts, which was widely read. Secondly, an innovative plan we developed to deal with the…

Dutch Divorce Challenge Update

…most importantly) will be accessible without legal fights. 3. Sometimes situations or people are difficult, then the professionals should focus on what works (best practices). 4. Online support (a platform) for the divorce procedure. So what is happening now? HiiL…

A good way to end the year

The Washington Post reported on 19 December that justice was the word of the year 2018, based on data about searches on the online dictionary Merriam-Webster. Interesting. It seems there was a constant need for this word. The writer of…

Tatiana Saade

…and various events, both online and in-person, whether held in Lebanon or internationally. I organize local and international meetings, events, and conference calls, and I also collaborate with stakeholders and service providers to guarantee the seamless operation and effective management…

Bottom-up justice innovation in Ukraine

…literacy through gamification  Law Finder CONSULTANT ReporTax AirLaw.Pro To follow the events online, 1991 Open Data Incubator are posting regularly about the timeline of scheduled activities on their Facebook page. Announcing the winners of the Innovating Justice Challenge Regional…

Policy Brief: Delivering People-Centred Justice, Rigorously

We can strengthen justice systems by putting people and the outcomes they need first. This approach leads to sustainable solutions but also brings impressive social and economic benefits. In this policy brief, we share what is emerging about developing and…

SME Empowerment in Action in Lagos

…two hours to register a new company. You do it online.”, says Noel Ntabanganyimana, one of the innovators who represents Atikus based in Rwanda. Few places in Europe can do it that fast. In Kenya, the count was two days….

Cost Benefits Analysis for Employment Justice in Tunisia

…essential information on labor rights to implementing a referral system, offering best practice guidelines, and incorporating online dispute resolution tools. In undertaking a meticulous approach to evaluating the viability of the proposed Employment Justice Platform, a socio-economic cost-benefit analysis has…

Innovating Justice Forum 2017

…as diverse as road legal advice for drivers in Zimbabwe, a bot in Ukraine which speeds up ™ applications, and online platforms for legal professionals here in The Netherlands. The winner of the Innovating Justice Challenge 2017 was announced as…

Looking through the Rear View Mirror

…Council of the UK, though a commission chaired by Richard Susskind, published an excellent report on online dispute resolution in civil justice, pointing towards where innovation should happen. HiiL’s Innovating Justice Accelerator ran a justice innovation challenge in Africa on…

Justice for all and the economic crisis

…formal institutions. Focus on prevention — use legal empowerment, online services, ombuds’ institutes and other non-court services to nip disputes in the bud and address the structural roots of economic injustices. Avoid making justice problems worse — modify or scrap…

Rechtwijzer in Het Financieele Dagblad

HiiL Innovating Justice featured in an article in Het Financieele Dagblad on January 30, 2016. The article describes Rechtwijzer and its technology that empowers people to resolve disputes online. Moreover, two women tell their stories of how the Rechtwijzer platform…

Assessing Justice Needs Across the United States

…IAALS developed and administered a survey nationally to over 10,000 Americans, and has compiled the research for release in a report and interactive online dashboards to help visualize the various justice needs across the United States. This research is vital…

People-centred justice action by Commonwealth Law Ministers

…examples to follow: community justice centres, user-friendly contracts, one-stop shop tribunals, and online legal information services and advice.  Inspired by a presentation by Richard Susskind the Ministers embraced the value that innovation and technology can bring to justice resolution processes….

Policy Brief: One-stop Shop Dispute Resolution

Although the enthusiasm for one-stop dispute resolution systems is huge, and many courts now operate online dispute resolution modules, few examples of large scale implementation exist. In this policy brief, we list a number of critical success factors that we…

New Beginnings in Technology for Justice

…modules for debts and landlord-tenant problems are also lined up. In the meantime, the interface and process flows get better every day, the number of support tools continues to increase, and our service providers develop more effective online interventions, almost…

The technology of access to justice: Rechtwijzer 2.0

…to review the end result. Lawyers and adjudicators working with Rechtwijzer 2.0 offer their services online, unbundled and on a pay as you go basis against fixed fees. Rechtwijzer 2.0 thus is a justice platform that builds on the…

Justice Task Force set-up

In my latest column on Slaw Online I raise a global access to justice alarm. We are not moving on Sustainable Development Goal 16.3 on equal access to justice. There is a tremendous lack of data and therefore the indicators for measuring…

Legal aid in Europe

…is likely to be part of the strategy. These delivery models can be supported by best practices (protocols) and online platorms. It was more difficult to find data which allow comparison between countries as to the quality of legal assistance….

Reflecting on 2013 and looking ahead to 2014

…Justice Innovation Lab came the next version of Rechtwijzer, the online platform for resolving divorce and other disputes. Our research director Maurits Barendrecht: “In addition to divorce, the platform will be configurable to other types of disputes, such as neighbour…

Conseil Exécutif

…Law, the National Center for State Courts, LegalZoom, Responsive Law, Sagewise (building a digital jurisdiction for blockchain technology and smart contracts) and RhubarbFund (developing a blockchain-based system for online dispute resolution.) Mme. G. Ortega (Giuliana) Responsable du bureau de la…

Policy Brief: Climate Change and Access to Justice

Billions of individuals grapple with justice problems, yet nearly half cannot find a resolution. Alarming evidence indicates that climate change will multiply these problems and exacerbate their severity. While comprehensive data is still scarce, acknowledging and understanding how climate change…

22 October 2020: Launch eJNS survey mSMEs Ukraine

…parties in business disputes to meet, talk, negotiate, decide and implement fair solutions Accessible, fair and quick online or offline procedures involving third parties who decide on the issue and help to implement the decision One-stop shops for tailored advice,…

The Netherlands

…the daily lives of residents in The Hague. This online Justice Needs and Satisfaction study (e-JNS) revealed neighbour conflicts as the most common. Building on this data and our cooperation, with the city, HiiL organised an innovation lab to explore…

Two more Innovating Justice Conferences are about to take off!

…resolution to SMEs and startups. Wakili Mkononi: Wakili Mkononi is a social enterprise, that offers legal aid services and legal networking services on a digital platform. WASILIANAHUB: WASILIANAHUB is the first collaborative online & mobile tech-justice marketplace, building Africa’s largest…

Hacking for justice with South Africa’s most talented

…at night find representation. The overall winner of the event in South Africa came via a team from LexisNexis, who had flown from Cape Town just to join us. Its application, Kagiso (the Setswana word for “peace”), is an online

HiiL Law of the Future Conference 2011

…of our 2011 Law of the Future Conference participants shared their visions in video messages. View the videos at: Most of the 2011 Law of the Future Conference presentations can now be found online. Check the presentations at:…

Surge of injustice expected

online questionnaire. As a first step we asked them about their views on the impact of Covid-19 on the delivery of justice. The respondents have significant experience. Sixty-eight percent have more than 10 years of professional experience and 18% more…

Évaluer les besoins en matière de justice aux États-Unis

…of the United States, including urban and rural areas. A parallel study will measure the legal problems of small, medium and large businesses. Who is the data for? The data will be freely available online in a downloadable report and…

9th Annual Innovating Justice Forum

…of scale. Tickets are on sale now! Last year’s Forum was sold out so make sure to reserve your space. Share your ideas on justice innovation with us. A provisional programme will be posted online on our website very shortly. For more…

Legal Startup Crash Test NL #1

…stress. Patentbot – This is a Ukrainian startup that can register your trademark through a chatbot in the US and Ukraine and announced their launch on the European Union market. From April 19th, PatentBot will register and check TM online 24/7…


…a call for tender for land conflict resolution systems? Such a tender could be based on clear terms of reference, which would for example include accessibility requirements (in terms of costs, effort, distance, online), quality requirements (with measureable fairness standards)…

Legal Alarm: Innovating Justice in Ukraine and Beyond

…needs are related to employment, neighbours, housing and consumer problems. It was proposed that filling in the justice gap between self-help and formal justice processes with innovations in the form of “online platforms, legal information websites and different forms of…